Sunday, November 4, 2012

 Saturday 3 November 2012

          We had wonderful time at Maycliff, KKB. The river was a few steps down from the lawn that we had parked at.
          It was a little cottage with a wide cement rendered verandah floor with lots of long tables and comfy chairs to ‘lepak’. Tucked in a corner was a Christmas in perpetuity tree. The verandah fronts the living room with day light shining down on to a piano. One can picture the many merry nights with song at that area.

          What attracted our eyes, especially for the men, when we first arrived, was not the beautiful bare top women (shoulder height) but the BBQ pit with a fire and timber logs  already in use. The smell of timber smoke, the sound of the swift river against the rocks, the mild sunshine and the sight of natural greens around were mesmerizing.

          Some of us immersed ourselves in the river, chilly initially but soon forgotten with the massage of river current, the loud breaking of water against the rocks. A great welcome from the earlier endless phone calls asking for directions, coordinating the journey to Maycliff. After an hour of this, the BBQ was served.

An endless flow of food, sausages, chicken wings, lamb chops, salad, sweet potatoes, corn and fish finished with some fine Irish coffee.

          Everyone was charmed by the place. There were suggestions to hold fire side meetings at this place. A retreat for our club planning..etc.

          All good things have to come to an end. By 4:30 pm we got ourselves ready to return back to the urban environment.

          It was an excellent trip all thanks to our President Keng Mun for organizing it!!!