Tuesday, October 30, 2012

DG Mansoor Saad comes to town


Report of Meeting Thursday 25 October 12

Evening Meeting
Club Assembly 6.00pm
Club Meeting 8.00pm

          It was the time of the year again when we get inspired for another year with the visit from the District Governor; Mansoor Saad with his Assistant Governor
The main topic at the assembly was on the change of venue for our meetings among other usual things that were reported.
This was followed by dinner at 7.30 pm.

At 8.00 pm we started the club meeting. The DG spoke of the Rotary Strategic Plan of the three parts;
1.) Vision Statement
2.) Strategic Thrust
3.) Core Values

He reminded us of 1905 when Rotary was born under not so rosy circumstances in Chicago, in the midst of crime and poverty. But yet something good and noble can be relevant and sustainable to this day.

 What will Rotary be in another 100 years from now? He informed that 30% of the clubs less than 50 members around the world are weak and it is the duty Rotary to strengthen such clubs in the strategic thrust.

He then spoke of a vision statement that every President is to have one. As for him, his would be on a broader base based on the following three parts;
1.) To strengthen clubs – reduce drop-out rates, inspire interesting projects.
2.) Humanitarian service – fruitful projects that people can relate to.
3.) Enhance Public Relations – advertise projects that Rotary is trustworthy and good. And to tell the world that we need their support.

He stressed on core values to supplement the four (4) way test.
1.) Service – to be hands-on and be involved
2.) Fellowship – to have good fellowship so that we could synergise for  
3.) Diversity – in international service, women in Rotary and other races in
     the country in Rotary.
4.) Integrity
5.) Leadership – with a vision plan

          The meeting ended with a short question and answer session with the DG.

          This was followed by a vocational service award to Manakum for service to the Sentul Community.

          The night ended shortly after with presentation of momentoes to the DG and his wife.